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Letter to the people of the Upper midwest, thanks for your support

Miércoles 6 de noviembre de 2013, por Comité Cerezo México

[Español] [Español]

To Witness for Peace Upper Midwest
To those whose solidarity enabled us to accomplish this tour
To all those who attended the presentations
To those who interviewed us and broadcast our activities

Comité Cerezo México, through his coordinator Francisco Cerezo, thanks all the work carried out for the realization of the informative tour in the United States.

We thank the work done by the Witness for Peace Upper Midwest Organizer, Elise Roberts, and for all the time and effort put in to accomplish about 40 presentations throughout 5 states in the US.

We thank also the committed work of Maggie Ervin, from the Witness for Peace Mexico team, and for her support with the simultaneous spanish-english translation, which allowed us to reach approximately 2000 people in this geographical area.

We are especially thankful to all of those who, out of solidarity, shared with us a place to sleep, food, and above all the warmth of their solidarity which sheltered us throughout this tour.

We thank also all of those professors and heads of university departments in political science, linguistics, Spanish and other disciplines, who invited us and allowed us to speak out against the aggression of the Mexican State on its own people.

Last, but not least, our thanks go to all the young and adult who listened to us, asked us questions, and reflected along with us on what is happening in Mexico with the massive violation of human rights against Mexican human rights defenders.

To know you, talk to you and be with you was all in all a wholesome learning experience, and we hope that we may little by little build a network of solidarity to support human rights defenders and the people of Mexico, and to potentiate the work of our human rights organization.

We remind you there are some things you may do to support our work, and the work of human rights defenders in Mexico and elsewhere:

  1. Respond to Urgent Actions to help protect human rights defenders
  2. Demand that your representatives oversee that the taxes of the American people sent to Mexico through the Merida Initiative not be used to continue human rights violations against the Mexican people.
  3. Travel to Mexico along with the Witness for Peace Upper Midwest delegations and know up-close the reality of Mexico, while supporting our work with your presential solidarity.
  4. Get in contact with Witness for Peace and support their work, as a way of supporting human rights defenders in Mexico.

For donations, support, and to know more about the work of Comité Cerezo México, visit us at


More information (in spanish) about the work we do at:



If you want to receive our news bulletin with notices on our activities, Urgent Actions and more information about the work we do (not more than 2 emails per week), please subscribe to our mailing list.

For direct communication with Comité Cerezo México or with Francisco Cerezo you may write to the email address comitecerezo@nodo50.org, you may contact us through twitter at @comitecerezo and/or you may join our group on Facebook.

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