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Transfer of Pablo Alvarado - Urgent Action

Viernes 21 de julio de 2006, por Comité Cerezo México




Prison situation


Mexico, June 17, 2006

Lic. Vicente Fox Quesada
President of Mexico

Lic. Carlos Abascal Carranza
Secretary of the Interior

José Luis Lagunes López
Director of Prevention and Rehabilitation

Lic. José Luis Soberanes Fernández, President CNDH ; Attention: Lic. Andrés Calero Aguilar Third Visitor, CNDH

Santiago Canton, Exexutive Secretary Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR)

Antón Camen, Delegation in Mexico International Committee of the Red Cross

Louise Arbour, High Commissioner for Human Rights, UN

The Mexican League for the Defense of Human Rights asks you to intervene in the case of the transfer of the indigenous man Pablo Alvarado Flores, held in the high security prison CEFERESO, No. 1 "La Palma", State of Mexico.

The Facts:

According to information received by telephone on July 17, 2006 by family members of political prisoners held in the Federal Social Rehabilitation Center (CEFERESO No. 1 La Palma), Pablo Alvarado Flores was transferred from this prison to the medium security Center in Nayarit, supposedly for good conduct.

Nevertheless, this supposed benefit makes it almost impossible for him to see his wife and daughter because they have very limited resources and this prison is more than 800 Km from Mexico City, which makes a big difference in travel expenses. Thus, this is yet another act of over victimization because it also takes longer to get the necessary paperwork done to be able to visit him. We can’t lose sight of the fact that he must be released on August 13, 2006, the date when he will have fully served his unjust sentence.


Pablo Alvarado Flores, was arrested on August 13, 2001, along with the Cerezo Contreras brothers—Alejandro (exonerated and released on March 31, 2005), Héctor and Antonio—and Sergio Galicia Max, (released a few months later) who were tortured in their respective homes and incarcerated in the La Palma Penitentiary. He entered the Federal Social Rehabilitation Center #1 "La Palma," on August 17, 2001.

He was tried in case 120/2001, on charges of organized crime and possession of ammunition in the Third Court B., consigned before Judge Leopoldo Cerón Tinajero, of the Third District Court in Toluca in the State of Mexico, and in the sentence imposed by the Second Unitary Tribunal for Federal Penal Affairs on May 29, 2003, he was condemned to FIVE years in prison with a fine amounting to wages payable for 270 work days, the equivalent of $10,491.00 pesos.

The Limeddh asks that:

i. You take all steps possible to see that he is immediately transferred
to a prison in Mexico City and that is release at the stipulated time is guaranteed, once all the necessary documents have been submitted.

ii. You inform us of all action taken with regards to the petition.



¡A flame that burns for the rights of the people!

Dr. Adrián Ramírez López


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